The plight of an Amdavadi is similar to that of a farmer sitting on his parched field awaiting rains. Perched high on a multistorey, a hanging Amdavadi, with his taps running
dry due to low water pressure in the tanks await rain, year after year, in the same fashion as the farmer does.
The wait intensifies with every passing week of
June. We see those self proclaimed Pandits offering Pooja to
please the God of rains. Ever noticed the amount of water they use in drowning
themselves while chanting? That very water could suffice for a colony for a
day! And then comes the meteorological analysis with
a satellite picture, where Gujarat invariably
shows an intensified cloud pressure. These ‘WHETHER’ reports regularly fail to
their own predictions. The day they predict nothing, the clouds come dancing,
hover over the city, and DOWNPOUR!!!!
When Amdavadis expect
normal rainfalls, they receive it in inches as petite as a
super model’s waist line. And when they prepare to accept semi-drought, one
fine day, it pours, not just cats and dogs, but elephants and dinosaurs! Hence, very soon, monsoon becomes mournsoon. All the FB statuses which had gone berserk over the first
rain, after a couple of others, bellyache about the puddles, humidity and water
logging! Not completely wrong though, they miss the heaven pouring from the
above in toto.
Water logging and pot holes are unique features of Amdavadi rains! Let it rain for 4-5 hours and our roads submerge and become all one. All the obstacles that the fresh potholes have to offer remain under water with the effluents contributed by the drain incontinence! Owners of certain hatchbacks, at once, think of exchanging it for a boat to facilitate commutation. The CNG rickshaws require pace makers to help them regain breathing. Two wheelers begin acrobatics on reaching an oil spilled patch. And between all this, some Amdavadi is invariably found blabbering over the cell phone, right at the cross roads while driving.
However, heart and stomach enjoy the season
optimally! Dalwadas, boiled corn, sizzling hot and mouth watering pakodas
with a Cutting Chai keep the stomach in a feel good mood. And the
heart either enjoys all the mush or goes into contemplation over the losses!
For those, who cannot cry out aloud, rains help shed a few tears and for those
who cannot do absurd things, the rain lets the child within go on a fun rage!
The rains have become irregular here. Probably when God visited Ahmedabad,
for a recce, he was welcomed by the roaring exhausts of ACs, the heat
reflecting cement structures and the disappearance of green canopy like a
mirage! Hence, he decided to leave, never
to return! While chants will surely keep the faith watered, we also need to be
more responsible as a mega city to ensure healthy environment for our own sake!
I so wish that during monsoon seasons we get blessed with showers, distributed uniformly across the city, over
the span of months! So while we join hands in prayer to have
the much needed rains, we also tighten our fists and pledge for the steps
required to be taken by us Amdavadis to ensure environmentally healthy
Happy Showers :)
Lovely pictures of the sky...though I think this year the rains failed us more often than surprise...